Your donations will go towards Phase I of our new Winter Raptor Project. Over the coming years, we will be closely studying the habitat requirements of three species of raptors found in northeastern grasslands. This winter we plan to use advanced GPS tags to track the migration of the Long-eared Owls in real-time once they depart their winter homes for their northern breeding ranges. For the first time ever, we will be able to use high precision GPS technology to study migration routes, timing, and origins of our winter Long-eared Owls. The miniaturized GPS tags needed to track these owls cost approximately $1,800 per unit.
Adopt An Owl
Adopt a Northern Saw-whet and receive an official adoption certificate, a photo of an owl from this research season, its band number, and its original encounter data. The certificate also comes with a photo of an owl’s wing illuminated by ultraviolet light, the owl’s wing length, and its mass – owl researchers can use this information to determine the age and sex of migrating owls.

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The Wild Bird Research Group, Inc., seeks applicants for banding technician internships. These positions are opportunities for college students and graduates to visit one of the most biodiverse countries in the Americas, participate in a tropical bird banding operation, and contribute to an international effort to study declining migratory songbirds.
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